Kednos PL/I for OpenVMS Systems
Reference Manual

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Program Structure and Content
Chapter 2 Declarations
Chapter 3 Data Types
Chapter 4 Aggregates
Chapter 5 Storage Classes
Chapter 6 Expressions and Data Type Conversions
Chapter 7 Procedures
Chapter 8 Program Control
Chapter 9 Input and Output
Chapter 10 Preprocessor
Chapter 11 Built-In Functions, Subroutines, and Pseudovariables
Appendix A Alphabetic Summary of Keywords
Appendix B Digital Multinational Character Set
Appendix C Compatibility with PL/I Standards
Appendix D Migration Notes
Appendix E Language Summary


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Program Structure and Content
     1.1     Lexical Elements
         1.1.1         Keywords
         1.1.2         Punctuation
         1.1.3         Identifiers
     1.2     Statements
         1.2.1         Statement Formats
         1.2.2         Statement Labels
         1.2.3         Simple Statements
         1.2.4         Compound Statements
         1.2.5         Summary of Statements by Function
     1.3     Program Format
     1.4     Blocks
         1.4.1         Begin Blocks
         1.4.2         Procedure Blocks
         1.4.3         Containment
         1.4.4         Block Activation
         1.4.5         Relationship of Block Activations
         1.4.6         Block Termination
     1.5     Data and Variables
         1.5.1         Preprocessor
Chapter 2
2 Declarations
     2.1     DECLARE Statement
         2.1.1         Simple Declarations
         2.1.2         Declarations Outside Procedures
         2.1.3         Multiple Simple Declarations
         2.1.4         Factored Simple Declarations
         2.1.5         Array Declarations
         2.1.6         Structure Declarations
     2.2     Attributes
         2.2.1         ALIGNED Attribute
         2.2.2         ANY Attribute
         2.2.3         AREA Attribute
         2.2.4         AUTOMATIC Attribute
         2.2.5         BASED Attribute
         2.2.6         BINARY Attribute
         2.2.7         BIT Attribute
         2.2.8         BUILTIN Attribute
         2.2.9         CHARACTER Attribute
         2.2.10         CONDITION Attribute
         2.2.11         CONTROLLED Attribute
         2.2.12         DECIMAL Attribute
         2.2.13         DEFINED Attribute
         2.2.14         DESCRIPTOR Attribute
         2.2.15         DIMENSION Attribute
         2.2.16         DIRECT Attribute
         2.2.17         ENTRY Attribute
         2.2.18         ENVIRONMENT Attribute
         2.2.19         EXTERNAL Attribute
         2.2.20         FILE Attribute
         2.2.21         FIXED Attribute
         2.2.22         FLOAT Attribute
         2.2.23         GLOBALDEF Attribute
         2.2.24         GLOBALREF Attribute
         2.2.25         INITIAL Attribute
         2.2.26         INPUT Attribute
         2.2.27         INTERNAL Attribute
         2.2.28         KEYED Attribute
         2.2.29         LABEL Attribute
         2.2.30         LIKE Attribute
         2.2.31         LIST Attribute
         2.2.32         MEMBER Attribute
         2.2.33         NONVARYING Attribute
         2.2.34         OFFSET Attribute
         2.2.35         OPTIONAL Attribute
         2.2.36         OUTPUT Attribute
         2.2.37         PARAMETER Attribute
         2.2.38         PICTURE Attribute
         2.2.39         POINTER Attribute
         2.2.40         POSITION Attribute
         2.2.41         PRECISION Attribute
         2.2.42         PRINT Attribute
         2.2.43         READONLY Attribute
         2.2.44         RECORD Attribute
         2.2.45         REFER Attribute
         2.2.46         REFERENCE Attribute
         2.2.47         RETURNS Attribute
         2.2.48         SEQUENTIAL Attribute
         2.2.49         STATIC Attribute
         2.2.50         STREAM Attribute
         2.2.51         STRUCTURE Attribute
         2.2.52         TYPE Attribute
         2.2.53         TRUNCATE Attribute
         2.2.54         UNALIGNED Attribute
         2.2.55         UNION Attribute
         2.2.56         UPDATE Attribute
         2.2.57         VALUE Attribute
         2.2.58         VARIABLE Attribute
         2.2.59         VARYING Attribute

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